Magazines 2018 May - Jun How do you take good care of yourself?

How do you take good care of yourself?

28 May 2018 By Karen Stiller

At the recent Canadian Church Press conference held in Hamilton, I attended a workshop called Being Rooted: Healthy Practices for Busy Communicators, with therapist Sharon Ramsay from Toronto. I’m a busy communicator short on healthy practices, so I figured I probably had some things to learn.

I definitely did!

The first thing that stopped me in my busy tracks was the idea that self-care, according to Ramsay, is not about just resting up for the next task. The level of surprise and conviction I felt when Ramsay said this — in her gentle voice — made me realize I truly thought otherwise. I totally had bought into the wrong idea that taking care of yourself is like pausing during a marathon, hands on knees, doubled over and gasping for breath, in order to be able to jump over the next hurdle.

Where did I get such a wrong-headed idea? I guess just from the busy culture in which most of us live and work.

The other beautiful take-away — which I have not yet implemented, but I’m thinking it through (I am! I am!) — was the idea of small rituals to open and then most importantly, step away from and close your work day. I must have a candle around here somewhere I can light and then say, “That’s it for today. I have done enough.” I really like that idea, however it eventually takes form in my life.

All of this talk of self-care — and the spirituality behind taking care of  a self engaged in ministry of some kind — led us to begin to craft our Jul/Aug issue loosely around the theme of wellness. I say loosely, because of course all the columnists and departments you love will still be in the summer edition of Canada’s Christian magazine, but we do have some lovely, restful elements to look forward to.

One is an  in-depth interview with Sharon Ramsay that will be available in print and in podcast. We just wanted more of that wisdom.

Another will be a cover story that focuses on spiritual practices for busy spiritual leaders, and a challenging piece on fitness and how it fits with faith.

So, what we are wondering right now is, how do you take care of yourself? What spiritual practices in your life root you in wellness? We’d love to hear from you. Maybe we can inspire one another, before the Jul/Aug issue is even in print!

Karen Stiller is a senior editor of Faith Today. Subscribe today to not miss the Jul/Aug issue.