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29 August, 2018
Seriously, go to church

Church wakes us from our busy routines and says, "Don’t forget!"

23 May, 2018
Sweet spot preaching

How can pastors avoid saying too little – and too much?

14 March, 2018
Faithfulness is fruitfulness

We don’t have the option to withdraw into self-congratulatory faithfulness

31 January, 2018
How not to be wrong – again

We must each make decisions for ourselves, but not by ourselves

02 March, 2017
What if we actually succeeded?

What kind of formative welcome do we have ready for new Christians?

04 January, 2017
Discrimination and Christian universities

What to do when the academic establishment forbids firing on ethical or doctrinal grounds

30 November, 2016
Beware theological malpractice

Why not accept that great new idea someone just shared with you?