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Wesley Huff, 33, laid out the case for the historical reliability of the Bible, particularly the New Testament, on the The Joe Rogan Experience in January.
Jan/Feb 2025 features: Lives well told. Grief lessons. Women of Afghanistan. Searching for Jesus' path of power. Two retiring MPs on faith. On earth as a haven. Communities impacted by an individual's pain. Ending pov...
Tips on making it easier for others to handle your affairs after death
Untangling Popular Pro-MAID Arguments: Critical Thinking About Medical Assistance in Dying; Vagabond Come Home: Collected Stories of the Wayfarer’s Return; Grand Faith: Words of Wisdom to Leave a Spiritual Legacy; Lov...
Culture critic Daniel Coleman on fostering wonder in writing, his writing process and his new book
Civilian public service during the Second World War was an option chosen by some Christian pacifists in North America. An Alberta historian explains.
Conversations and vulnerability can overcome shame, according to this pastor's daughter
How good are we at expressing disagreement, saying sorry, being humble, rebuking and the like? Let’s reflect together in this series.
Families remember loved ones at Trinity United Church, Onslow-Belmont, N.S., with a special remembrance service each year.
An extended review of a 2023 book by Joseph Lee Dutko
La surprenante bénédiction de rédiger des nécrologies
The surprising blessing of writing obituaries. By Vancouver writer Julie Lane-Gay, author of The Riches of Your Grace: Living in the Book of Common Prayer.
Generosity on the road to reconciliation
A Liberal and a Conservative both argue against privatizing beliefs
Karen Stiller, one of two senior editors at Faith Today, has news to share.