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17 July, 2024
Harvest Hands grows

An abundance of surplus food delivered to Ontario charities

27 February, 2024
Planting a church in a Nanaimo nightclub

Removing barriers to faith for curious young adults

05 January, 2024
Small group meets for 51 years

Roger and Joan Short’s small group in Ottawa has met regularly for over half a century.

01 May, 2023
A sheep farmer's understanding of the 23rd Psalm

Bethanee Jensen owns and operates Shepherd’s Fold, a sheep farm near Belgrave, Ont. Faith Today writer Amy Gabriel asked her how her work gives her perspective on Psalm 23.

23 December, 2022
Hospice for the houseless

Care for some of the most vulnerable dying people is essential ministry. An extended version of a Jan/Feb 2023 print article.

05 October, 2022
Video course helps churches talk about mental health

Oct. 2-8 is Mental Illness Awareness Week. Here's an advance look at a relevant article we'll be publishing in our Nov/Dec issue.

29 August, 2022
Fifty years of serving charities

The Canadian Centre for Christian Charities works in background to strengthen many

26 July, 2022
Christian Reformed affirm traditional teaching on sex

Two hundred and fifty Canadian congregations are considering the implications of summer synod decisions. (A shortened version of this news report will also appear in our Sep/Oct issue.)