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An extended Reading the Bestsellers review of a 2023 book by Geddy Lee
Canadians look ahead to collaborating at Lausanne 4 in Korea
Les Canadiens se réjouissent de collaborer à Lausanne 4 en Corée
Le rapport de Lausanne L'état de la Grande Commission est un appel à une réponse innovante de l'Église. (Voir l'article connexe L'avenir mondial de l'Église.)
Conversation Café network grows
Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle serves free pizza to students at a local high school
The hard work of letting God lead the way
How good are we at forgiving, rebuking, showing care and the like? Let’s reflect together in this series.
Novelist and scholar Randy Boyagoda on being a Catholic intellectual and writing fiction
Unburdened: A Lenten Journey Toward Forgiveness; Strangers & Exiles: Pursuing Faithfulness as Pilgrims in a Faithless World; Same Old, Same New: The Consolation of the Ordinary; On Mennonite/s Writing: Selected Essays...
Modelling Christian ethics in the public square
Fostering unity in congregational worship
Prioritizing Christian values in a fast-paced world
Le dur labeur de laisser Dieu ouvrir la voie
Modéliser l'éthique chrétienne sur la place publique