Audio & Video

Thoughtful, relevant conversations with Christian guests hosted by Faith Today senior editors Karen Stiller and Bill Fledderus.

01 June, 2018
Podcast Six takeaways from the future of evangelicalism in America At an April 2018 meeting near Chicago, fifty Evangelical leaders of various ministries, ethnicities and churches explored the theme: The Future of Evangelicalism in America. 12:54
30 May, 2017
Podcast What is The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada? The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) unites Evangelicals to bless Canada in the name of Jesus. The EFC also publishes Faith Today, Canada’s Christian magazine. 3:11
30 January, 2017
Podcast An Answer to Why Christianity Has Grown in Africa A dispatch by Brian Stiller, Global Ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance 7:43
24 April, 2019
Podcast Global Christian Forum In the early years of this century, four Christian groups (Evangelical, Pentecostal, Roman Catholic and WCC) agreed to share concerns within a dialogue framed by love and devotion to Jesus. This dialog group would not make pronouncements or take actions. Instead, meeting every few years, we would face matters in an open and honest way about our respective witness. 6:49
02 July, 2019
Podcast Trouble doesn't end witness—Venezuela today Venezuela, with the oil wealth of Saudi Arabia, today looks more like Syria, noted a journalist. This incredibly beautiful and rich-in-resource Latin American country is the paradigm of ideological delusion, bureaucratic dissonance, governmental piracy, police intimidation, and outright robbing of the public purse... 7:44