Podcast & Videos

Thoughtful, relevant conversations with Christian guests hosted by Faith Today senior editor Bill Fledderus and other team members.

13 May, 2020
Podcast Spiritual Disciplines with Carolyn Arends Carolyn, author, speaker, songwriter and director of education for Renovare, speaks to us about her work and the beautiful freedom of spiritual disciplines. 28:54
18 October, 2019
Podcast Temptation on trial Would God ever set a perjury trap? Our writer Carolyn Arends analyzes the sentence, "Lead us not into temptation." 5:20
16 January, 2018
Podcast Artful discipleship - by Carolyn Arends How the arts can help in spiritual formation 14:56
05 March, 2018
Podcast It's good to take a break from tech From the column "Dead to Distraction" (Jan/Feb 2018) by Carolyn Arends 5:41
08 March, 2018
Podcast How we order our hearts Our columnist Carolyn Arends discusses the the trouble with do-it-yourself transformation. 5:10
18 October, 2018
Podcast Prayer: A problem of persistence What does Jesus mean when he tells us to be persistent in prayer? In this podcast, writer Carolyn Arends shares her own struggles with this question, and how she is resolving it. 5:04