Podcast & Videos

Thoughtful, relevant conversations with Christian guests hosted by Faith Today senior editor Bill Fledderus and other team members.

30 January, 2018
Podcast The beauty and challenge of youth ministry today with Geri Rodman Geri Rodman has led InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for the last 17 years. Preparing for retirement, she shares with the EFC Podcast what has kept her focussed over the years and her special admiration for this generation of Canadian youth. 22:58
27 February, 2018
Podcast Youth ministry in Canada today (Interview with Sid Koop) Sid Koop, executive director of Truth Matters Ministries and the Canadian Youth Workers Conference Movement, discusses the state of youth in Canada today. 20:36
17 April, 2018
Podcast Youth inspire me - Interview with Renee Embree Renée Embree is director of youth and family ministries for the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada and director of the youth and young adult ministry program at Acadia Divinity College. 18:57
19 April, 2018
Podcast Help your kids embrace the faith Young writer Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach discusses trading in picture-perfect faith for authentic experience with Jesus. 7:24
31 May, 2017
Podcast The Challenge of Gender Fluidity: How might the Church respond? Faith Today article by Sid Koop, Truth Matters Ministries 11:18