Podcast & Videos

Thoughtful, relevant conversations with Christian guests hosted by Faith Today senior editor Bill Fledderus and other team members.

05 March, 2018
Podcast It's good to take a break from tech From the column "Dead to Distraction" (Jan/Feb 2018) by Carolyn Arends 5:41
08 March, 2018
Podcast How we order our hearts Our columnist Carolyn Arends discusses the the trouble with do-it-yourself transformation. 5:10
12 April, 2018
Podcast Sexual ethics with Aimee Patterson Aimee Patterson PhD is a Christian ethics consultant with The Salvation Army Ethics Centre in Winnipeg. She spoke to Faith Today about sexual ethics in the Church, what pastors need to watch for and the #metoo campaign. 22:47
10 June, 2017
Podcast Hearing the truth, working for reconciliation Evangelical leaders reflect on the TRC report. 9:26
17 July, 2017
Podcast Ann Voskamp - The Broken Way Interview Ann Voskamp talks to Faith Today editor Karen Stiller in a hotel lobby in Toronto to discuss her latest book, how we can all be more honest about our brokenness and why that’s so important. 37:37
04 December, 2017
Podcast Andrew Klavan interviewed By James Beverley Andrew Klavan is an award-winning writer, screenwriter and media commentator who has made the improbable conversion from agnostic Jewish intellectual in New York to baptized Christian in California. 26:35
03 June, 2017 A Land In Need Of A Rebirth
Podcast Turkey: A land in need of a rebirth. Dispatch by Brian Stiller "A century ago, estimates were that 25 percent of Turkey was Christian. Today it is less than 1 percent. John, in his letters of the Revelation, wrote to seven cities in this land. In the last hundred years, the ancient roots of Christian life have not only been cut off but they’ve been torn up..." 9:23
09 July, 2018
Podcast The importance of theological education in a rapidly changing world & culture Jeff Greenman is president and professor of theology and ethics at Regent College. He has led the college through the challenging times faced by every North American school of theological education. 25:42
11 September, 2018
Podcast Renegotiating Faith: An interview with Rick Hiemstra about the youth and faith research Renegotiating Faith: The Delay in Young Adult Identity Formation and What It Means for the Church in Canada is a new body of research investigating the transition time when many Canadian youth leave the church. 25:57
09 October, 2018
Podcast How to create a rule of life A rule of life is an ancient spiritual tradition that helps Christians map out a pathway to greater devotion. In this Faith Today article from Mar/Apr 2017, writer and pastor Darryl Dash leads us through the process of creating our own. 7:49
18 October, 2018
Podcast Prayer: A problem of persistence What does Jesus mean when he tells us to be persistent in prayer? In this podcast, writer Carolyn Arends shares her own struggles with this question, and how she is resolving it. 5:04
24 October, 2018
Podcast Author Max Lucado on writing, Donald Trump and how God's promises hold strong, even in tough times. Author and pastor Max Lucado speaks to us about his latest book, Unshakable Hope: Building our Lives on the Promises of God. 27:54
14 August, 2018
Podcast Faith and vocation: An interview with Regent College professor and author Steve Garber Steven Garber is author of the popular book Visions of Vocation and spoke with Karen Stiller in Vancouver about how what we do mixes with our faith. 27:44
29 August, 2018
Podcast When sexual misconduct hits the Church In this podcast with David Martin, executive minister of the Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, we explore the devastation wrought by this kind of transgression in the Church, the bare minimum protections required and how healing can best happen. 16:20
01 November, 2018
Podcast How to grow: Applying the Gospel to all of your life Author and pastor Darryl Dash shares with us the three core areas every Christian should be engaged with in order to grow, and the simple techniques that can help us all in our spiritual lives. 29:33
01 June, 2018
Podcast Six takeaways from the future of evangelicalism in America At an April 2018 meeting near Chicago, fifty Evangelical leaders of various ministries, ethnicities and churches explored the theme: The Future of Evangelicalism in America. 12:54