Audio & Video

Learn something useful with host Faith Today senior editor Karen Stiller.

01 May, 2018
Podcast Interacting with other world religions: Interview with Mathew P. John

Mathew P. John is the creator of an online course called Mosaic. He explains why it's important to understand other religions when we share our faith.1

07 May, 2018
Podcast When is a heresy a cult? Dispatches from the Global Village by Brian Stiller: Spiritual movements produce bizarre and often cult-like offshoots. Nowhere is this truer than in Brazil. 8:57
01 May, 2018
Podcast Interacting with other world religions: Interview with Mathew P. John Mathew P. John is the creator of an online course called Mosaic. He explains why it's important to understand other religions when we share our faith. 14:19