Magazines 2017 May - Jun Celebrate with us! Awards for Faith Today
Celebrate with us! Awards for Faith Today
26 June 2017
By Bill Fledderus
Hooray for the Faith Today writers and staff who were publicly recognized this week!
Hooray for the Faith Today writers and staff who were publicly recognized this week!
Faith Today contributors won nine awards June 22 from the Canadian Church Press, an association of about 60 magazines and newspapers.
Two of the awards were for first place:
- layout and design of a single issue. Take a minute to admire the complete winning issue by designer Janice Van Eck
- personal experience article. Have you read Mark A. Buchanan’s For the Love of the Church?
Then on June 23 came more awards from The Word Guild,
a national association of several hundred Christians in publishing and communications.
- Allison Barron’s Faith Today article on Trinity Western Universityand the legal battles around its proposed law school won a first place for short feature.
- The founder of Faith Today, Brian Stiller, received the Leslie K. Tarr career award, as well as a second award for his book An Insider’s Guide to Praying for the World (Bethany House/Baker Publishing).
- Although we can’t take credit for it, Faith Today’s senior writer Patricia Paddey also won an award for her book with Dr. Jean Chamberlain called The Game Changers: True Stories About Saving Mothers and Babies in East Africa (Save the Mothers).
And those awards are just the tip of the iceberg. We’ll post links to the second and third place winners below, but first we need to thank all our subscribers and supporters.
Your help make Faith Today‘s ministry possible. You encourage us to aim for excellence in our service to Christ and His church in Canada.
We welcome your continued support through prayer and email. You can help ensure our financial health by buying a subscription for yourself or someone you love or by making a charitable donation.
Please join the broader Canadian Christian publishing community in expressing well deserved appreciation to all the writers, editors, designers and publishers who work (often in the background) to build the Kingdom in these ways.
Complete lists are now available online of this year’s CCP awardsand TWG awards, all for materials published in 2016.