Cover essays in this issue examine God's gift of community. Which selected articles are posted here on our website? Check here to find out.

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FT interview: One on one with author and speaker Danielle Strickland
Our church is our community: Not alone in the pandemic By Karen Stiller
Our neighbourhood is our church: God's call to human connection. By Preston Pouteaux
The saints come laughing in: Christian comedians come clean about their work. By Alex Newman
Done high school. Now what? Bible institutes nurture a life of faith on the foundation of the Bible. By Stephanie Tombari
Christian schools take diverse approaches. Two new elementary schools in Nova Scotia and Ontario. By Caleb Burney with Bill Fledderus
Six ways to nurture artists of faith. Artists have a unique role in the church. The church has a role in nourishing artists. By Melissa Yue Wallace
Behind the curtain of assisted dying. Learning from one theologian's hospital encounter. By David Guretzki
In each issue
Behind the scenes: Reading in the pandemic. Faith Today serves the church across Canada. By the editors
Talking points: Podcast lineup, Recent web posts, Readers write, Webinars, Milestones, Contributors
Cross connections: Viral church. Spreading love, good words and deeds in Jesus' name. By columnist David Guretzki.
News. Notes. Ideas
- Winnipeg churches help fund faith reporting: New model invites donations and increases religious coverage.
- Spiritual direction school preparing for third cohort: Edmonton school helps Christians rediscover spiritual direction
- Inspiring ideas
- Church crisis management course launched: Plan to Protect provides practical training
- Noteworthy: Newsbits
- Former pastor helps churches tackle mental health concerns
Church in community: A place to go for the marginalized in downtown Ottawa
By the numbers: Surviving as shut-ins: How Canadians were coping during the 2020 pandemic shutdowns
News from the EFC: Pandemic resources for churches. Multifaith response to pandemic. Expansion of euthanasia law. EFC speakers in your online gathering. Conversion therapy bans. Prostitution law to be reviewed. Meeting with U.S. Evangelicals.
The gathering place: Walking in the shadow of death. Finding comfort as we wait upon the Lord. By columnist Bruce J. Clemenger
At issue: COVID-19, help for charities and conversion therapy. As this issue of Faith Today went to press, our nation was still gripped in the early weeks of COVID-19 isolation. Even as the impact of the virus was the preoccupation of all Canadians, other issues still simmered in the background.
Go with God: Virtual realities. There are barriers to singing corporately over the internet. Maybe that tells us something important. By columnist Carolyn Arends.
History lesson: Arnold Brown, wordsmith. Canadian led international Salvation Army. By guest columnist Stephen Poxon. (Kevin Flatt will return next issue.)
Religion watch: The virus and world religions. Sincere reflection amid unprecedented closures, conspiracy theories. By columnist James A. Beverley.
Guest column: Working for an unreasonable boss. Coping with unfairness in the workplace. By Claire Odogbo.
Global village By columnist C. David Donaldson
- Reassurance and comfort
- Milestones in Vietnam church
- Business and ministry
Books & culture: Reviews.
- Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric: Wrestling With Troubling War Texts by William Webb and Gordon Oeste
- Craft, Cost & Call: How to Build a Life as a Christian Writer by Patricia Paddey and Karen Stiller
- The Unknown God: A Journey With Jesus From East to West by Mathew P. John and David C. Cook
- Jeremy Benjamin by Jeremy Benjamin Zeyl
- Artwork by Gina J. Duque
- A Better Man: A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel by Louise Penny
Christ & culture in Canada: Persuasion is good, but mobilization is better. A call to help too-busy believers. By columnist John G. Stackhouse, Jr.