Anne Mongraw: watercolour titled Rise & Shine |
Anne Mongraw: watercolour titled Summer Delight |
By Ann Buesink |
By Ann Buesink |
By Ann Buesink |
By Ann Buesink |
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Terra cotta sculpture by Allison Tisdale Regnier entitled: “What is mankind, that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?“ (Psalm 8:4) |
Ann-Margret Hovsepian: Dum spiro spero, in Latin, means “While I breathe, I hope.” |
Photograph by Brenda Joan Bandy, Sarnia, Ont.: During this current pandemic, whenever I look at these feathers that we have collected on walks, it gives me hope and continues to remind me of God’s faithfulness to us as a people all over this world that He created for us to enjoy. In Matthew 6:26-27 it says: Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? |
Brenda Roberts: This magnificent magnolia tree is what I view from my kitchen window. It delights me every spring, and I feel as if it is the glory of God revealed in a tangible form. It sings to me of hope for the future right now because it began to bloom too early, and other years when that happened, the blossoms were nipped by frost and never fully opened. In this unusual year, snow, frost and sub-zero weather tried their best to derail this show, but it survived. I know I will, too, no matter what comes because a gorgeous tree reminded me of the amazing God I serve. |
Desiree Mendoza: "Peaceful Blooms" is an acrylic I did during this pandemic, and it reminds me of the beauty of God and His creation; who He is in my life: and the wonderful people who purposefully place their hope and trust in Him. In the midst of this pandemic, this artwork reminds me that we can all be peaceful and hopeful when we trust God and His Word. (Cosmos flowers also symbolize peace.) |
Poem by Dianne Dyck. Photo art by Lisa Siemens. Both from St. Catharines, Ont. |
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Doug Paddey, three sculptures; His Prediction - The Way (and Way Bigger) and Road to Golgotha: These are the sculptures that have been giving me hope for a future that will embrace me once I clock out of this world. Jesus is the way and His predictions uphold me to know that through Him (even though I'm undeserving) I will be saved and be with Him forevermore. Love like that is unprecedented but that's ok because after all He is The Way! |
By Doug Paddey |
By Doug Paddey |
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Restore - a portrait of Daisy Ejang, painting by Faye Hall: The last year or more, I have had no inspiration to paint. It is almost repulsive to me, and I have often prayed for the Lord's will in how to continue. Should I even try to paint again? It's not all about Covid - I have just been depleted of all inspiration. One of my paintings is of a beautiful black woman praying. Her name is Daisy Ejang. Years ago after a concert where Steve Bell (my boss) encouraged Compassion Canada sponsorship, a fan named Don Lupul sponsored her. Daisy is a believer who can sing wonderfully. She did an exciting new version of Steve's 'Wings of an Eagle.' Daisy now lives in Canada, makes her music professionally, and is also in school for Christian ministry. This painting of her was donated to help in a fundraiser for Women Refreshed at the Well, a local spiritual retreat space. God provides inspiration when we need it, hope when we need it and blesses others through our gifts. |
Gene Tempelmeyer, Happy Together, 30" x 40", oil on canvas, 2021 |
George Akula: As a Christian with woodworking talent, I can imagine Jesus sitting in the large heart chair and talking to an innocent little child in the small one. Doesn't He want to continue to mentor us as he would a little child? Yes! God's word awaits us. |
James Tughan, "Resilience." Charcoal drawing and poem. [NOTE: View this image with its accompanying poem in our post of text entries.] |
James Tughan, "Vessel." Kintsugi vessel and poem.
[NOTE: View this image with its accompanying poem in our post of text entries.] |
James Tughan, "Zigzag" chalk pastel drawing and poem entitled "Spine"
[NOTE: View this image with its accompanying poem in our post of text entries.] |
Hope, a painting by Jenn Williamson: I was listening to a favourite podcast of mine (“Live Inspired” by John O’Leary) interviewing Steven Curtis Chapman, and his story was so inspiring and full of hope that I felt led by the Holy Spirit to stop what I was doing and go into my studio and paint. After praying and surrendering the work of my hands to my Lord and Saviour, I painted this painting. |
Passing Time, a painting by Jenn Williamson. Many paintings I have painted during this pandemic are about hope, because that is my goal in painting – to share my hope & faith in Jesus with others. |
The Gift, a painting by Jenn Williamson |
Let There Be Light, a painting by Jenn Williamson |
Size of flowers (see related image at right) by Lee-Anne Haggett. I made these flowers out of paper and dyed them with tea to give them depth and texture. This photo gives you a better sense of how big they are than the photo at right. |
Lee-Anne Haggett: I created a display this spring for the front of our church to bring beauty and hope to our congregation. To remind everyone that the grass may wither, the flowers may fade, the pandemic may make us tired and weary, but the word of our God stands forever! I have found hope and beauty through nature during this past year. It has been the sweetest gift the Lord has given me, to be out in His creation, taking time to notice the smallest details and the vast beauty that makes up this world. |
Kate Sanderson: The loving heart of God gives me hope. This is watercolour and black pen. |
Lois Krause: Because I am an artist, I understand Scripture better when I see it visually. This painting of a cave is symbolic to me both of the hope of the Resurrection and the hope of the end of the pandemic and emerging from the stay-at-home orders that we are currently under. This enforced solitude we are currently experiencing has not been all a bad thing for me but a time of slowing down and of exploring my art. I suspect that when we do have less restrictions, I will be more mindful of the pace of my life and choose more wisely what is really important. |
Miriam Bellamy, Cambridge, Ont.: Butterflies in the Garden |
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Miriam Bellamy, Cambridge, Ont.: Field of Sunshine |
Monique Watt Heintzman, Chelsea, Que., writes: The beauty of creation has given me hope and inspired increasing love, awe, and worship for Christ during this time. I am very blessed to be surrounded by the beauty of Gatineau Park. While the pandemic curtailed some of my usual activities, it gave me more time to enjoy creation and nurture and develop my God-given creativity. This has been incredibly life-giving and life-changing! My heart is full of gratitude, hope and a desire to share the transforming power of the beauty of God's creation through poetry and photography. [NOTE: View this image with the poem intended to accompany it in our other blog post.] |
Philip Mix, oil painting entitled Madeleine's Song: There are two words similar to each other but very different if truly considered. The first is “dominate.” We have been dominated by daily updates of news with worrisome details about Covid and its toll. It has become our dominating concern and constant preoccupation. The other word is “dominion.” We desire direction, stability and protection, in other words God’s dominion over our lives and existence. I guess another word is “domain.” I have been asking, if I truly reside with Christ and Him in me, isn’t that ever-presence enough? I painted Madeleine’s Song to speak to the idea that our inner spirit is indeed God’s domain, and that His dominion, regardless the clamour is, and should remain, our unshakeable assurance. |
Rachel Major, Rouyn-Noranda, Que.: Wounds & Hope, a painting done during a meeting with other artists on Zoom in February 2021 [NOTE: View this image with the poem intended to accompany it in our other blog post.] |
Ruthia Pak Regis, Secret Garden No. 3, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 36 x 60 inches |