Magazines 2023 Sep - Oct Painting by Lynn Vissers. New books roundup
Painting by Lynn Vissers. New books roundup
31 August 2023
By Lynn Vissers
Church Grammar; Revelation for the Rest of Us; Intergenerational Christian Formation; Intro to Early Church History; and more
- Church Grammar by Bruce Meyer (The St. Thomas Poetry Series, 2023). Reviewers laud the faithful description of “truths of memory, belief and mortality” at the “intersections of country roads and art” by this Toronto poet and writing professor.
- Revelation for the Rest of Us: A Prophetic Call to Follow Jesus as a Dissident Disciple by Scot McKnight with Cody Matchett (Zondervan, 2023). A Calgary scholar cowrites with a prolific Chicago New Testament professor.
- Apologia: The Columns: A Defence of Mere Christianity by Hendrik van der Breggen (Amazon KDP, 2023). A collection of newspaper columns (668 pages) presenting important evidence and arguments in support of major Christian truths. By a retired philosophy prof in Steinbach, Man.
- Your Greatest Life: Overcoming Depression, Divorce and Critical Illness by Marion Grace (WestBow, 2021). Nova Scotia author writes about the overcoming Christian life, drawing on difficult aspects of her own experience (depression, divorce, cancer).
- Intergenerational Christian Formation: Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, Community and Worship (2nd Edition) by Holly C. Allen, Christine Lawton and Cory L. Seibel (IVPress, 2023). Provides theoretical foundations, then concrete, practical guidance. Edmonton pastor cowrites with two American experts.
- Don’t Let What If? Ruin What Is: A Mom's Guide to Worry Less and Live More by Alison Brown (WestBow, 2023). Listowel, Ont., author, women’s health expert, mom – and chronic worrier – shares how God set her free to live and parent from a place of peace.
- Introduction to Early Church History: The First 500 Years by Perry Edwards (Wipf & Stock, 2023). By church history instructor with Carey Outreach Ministries and pastor of Living Way Baptist in Chipman, N.B.
- Hope for An Unwanted Journey by Bill and Donna Lea Dyck (Word Alive Press, 2023). A 24-week devotional by a Toronto pastor couple with an addicted child. (
- A Path Called Compelling: Discovering the Christian Faith as a Path to Travel by Bradley Watson (Wipf & Stock, 2023). Jesus' birth, baptism and temptations are revealed to be more than events to believe in, but a path meant to be entered, travelled and lived. First book by founder of Nexus Church, Kitchener, Ont.
“This painting was three years in the making. Colour inspires creation of movement, imagination and contemplation. This sizeable piece, as you allow it to speak to your imagination, suggests light pushing back the darkness, the Spirit of God, the sacrifice of Christ and the love of God.”

Out of Nothing – Something (48" x 72", oil on canvas) by Lynn Vissers, PAINTING © LYNN VISSERS