2018 May - Jun

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07 May, 2018
Question & Answer: With Alex Schadenberg

Providing better than euthanasia. Alex Schadenberg is executive director of Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

01 May, 2018
The joy and sorrow of palliative care

A Faith Today senior writer shares her own experience caring for a dying loved one, and how canada can do better with palliative care

01 May, 2018
Les joies et les peines des soins palliatifs

Une écrivaine principale de Faith Today partage sa propre expérience des soins à prodiguer à un être cher mourant, et comment le Canada pourrait faire mieux en matière de soins palliatifs

30 April, 2018
Whose values shape our society?

How respectful and inclusive will Canada be of different belief systems?