Magazines 2023 Nov - Dec Top 10 content at Faith Today in 2023

Top 10 content at Faith Today in 2023

20 December 2023 By Bill Fledderus

What were our most read articles and most visited webpages last year?

Thank you to all our faithful readers! We’re always glad to hear from you about the things we publish.

Besides letters to the editor, we also count online traffic to help us know what’s important to you. Every year we publish what our website reports to have been the most popular new material of the previous year. (That is, which webpages got the most visitors during the year.)

Let us know how closely this top ten aligns with your interests.


How Tim Keller changed my life. In this website-only article, Toronto pastor and author Darryl Dash reflects on the impact of an influential Manhattan pastor and author who died in May.


Eston College moves to Regina, giving away campus in Eston. An inspiring news story about a Saskatchewan school that gave away its former $1.2 million property to an addictions charity. Written by our staff member Rachel Baarda.


Facing the pastoral challenges of euthanasia. How should pastors respond to parishioners who choose medical assistance in dying? It's time to figure that out, according to columnist David Guretzki, president of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. Read all his columns at


A requiem for the living: How grief and gratitude mix. In this website-only article, Ottawa-area author Deborah Phillips processes the deaths of her sister and of her friend and priest Brent Stiller (husband of Faith Today editor Karen Stiller).


Parents, kids & faith. The cover story of our May issue reports on Parenting Faith: Faith Formation of Children in the Home, a research project by 16 Canadian denominations and ministry organizations. Our staff member Ilana Reimer wrote the article, which continues to spark discussions about how churches support parents and the home discipling of children.


Handling a disturbance during public worship. Churches want to be welcoming, safe places, but what happens when someone enters who disturbs worship, or could prove violent? A website-only article by writer Sue Careless.


The FT Interview with Lesli van Milligen. What do families and children need now from the Church, and how can we help form the faith of our children? A practical and thoughtful conversation with Lesli van Milligen, who more recently was appointed co-director of Thrive, an equipping ministry in the Christian Reformed Church in North America. Also available as an audio podcast.


Appreciating small churches. Eleven Canadian organizations partnered to research and produce this report on the unique gifts of Canadian churches with less than 150 attendees – and to tackle the misunderstandings many Christians have about them. Editor Bill Fledderus reports in our March cover story.


Can we agree to disagree? Mark Buchanan and Gordon T. Smith are two well-known authors and professors at Ambrose University in Calgary. After an ongoing discussion between them about growing intolerance for minority positions in faith communities, they shared it with our readers.


Early cancer death of prosperity gospel preacher Leon Fontaine raises questions for his followers. The pastor of Springs Church – one of the largest in Canada, with locations in Winnipeg and Calgary – died in November 2022. It was a shock since he died young (age 59) and of cancer, a disease he claimed could be miraculously defeated by believers. This website-only article by journalist John Longhurst was reprinted with permission from the Winnipeg Free Press.

What would you like to see on our website or in our print magazine in 2024? Please let us know anytime at Thanks for reading.

P.S. For those interested, here are five additional top articles.

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