Mar/Apr 2024 features: Disabusing the church; Challenges in Mid-East mission; Easter poems; Finding ministry after full-time employment; and more
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Cover stories
Disabusing the church. How can we protect the people we love and our shared institutions? By Randal Rauser and Bob Stenhouse
Are non-disclosure agreements a thing of the past? By Patricia Paddey
Working toward safe organizational environments By Patricia Paddey
The FT interview: One on one with Lydia Fawcett about abuse in Christian churches and organizations
Challenges in Mid-East mission. What can relief agencies do amid war? By Alex Newman
Easter poems. Canadian poets reflect on Holy Week. By Vilma Blenman, Lesley-Anne Evans, Kathy Haltrich, Jeffrey Hynds and Luke Sawczak
- More poems for Easter 2024. Online supplement by Vilma Blenman, Joanne Epp (with Sally Ito and Sarah Klassen), David Lyle Jeffrey, Luke Sawczak and Angeline Schellenberg
Finding ministry after full-time employment. Canadian Christians find new ways to serve after 65. By Patricia Paddey
Fellowship skills series. Saying "I'm sorry." Life-changing words for relationships. By Jennifer Kerr
In each issue
Behind the scenes. Tackling abuse and Israel-Palestine with care. By Bill Fledderus and Karen Stiller
Talking points. Podcast lineup, Readers write, Milestones, Contributors
News. Notes. Ideas
- Ukrainian Bible church forms around Abbotsford newcomers.
- Saskatchewan church serves up daily grocery program. Food ministry helps everyone involved.
- Planting a church in Nanaimo nightclub. Removing barriers to faith for curious young adults.
- Inspiring ideas: Church in the marketplace. A couple connection. Fresh hunger. Taking care of kids.
- Famous Toronto church serves prayer and food to neighbours.
- By the numbers. Canadians with disabilities that limit daily activities.
- Noteworthy: Record year for Bible app engagement. Persecuted Christians face different threats based on gender. Faith boosts mental health. Record low public trust of pastors.
- Creating community for Christian artists. Renew Arts + Theology aims to expand across Canada
Cross connections. Speaking the(ir) truth. How Pontius Pilate demonstrates abuse of power. By columnist David Guretzki
At issue. Abuse prevention in Christian communities. For prayer and action.
The gathering place. Restoring Canada’s promise of civility. Being a place of refuge. By columnist Bruce Clemenger
News from the EFC. Pray for senators to agree to delay MAiD. EFC submissions on anti-women violence. Young adult mag now fully digital. Protect youth from explicit content. Letter to HRC on intolerance. EFC studios available for affiliates in Toronto and Ottawa.
All things reconciled. News from the Peace and Reconciliation Network. Rising persecution in Nigeria. Swiss reconciliation challenge. Faith pavillion at climate change conference. Ukraine churches condemn ideology. By David Donaldson
Thriving in digital. Tech savvy seniors. Digital tools and training for older church members. By columnist Joanna la Fleur
History lesson. Reading old books with C.S. Lewis. Helping us see beyond ourselves and our own cultural moment. By columnist Craig D. Allert
Church and community. Supporting families with back-to-school backpacks.
Books & culture
- Extended book review: Calvinism for a Secular Age: A Twenty-First-Century Reading of Abraham Kuyper’s Stone Lectures, by Jessica and Robert Joustra, eds.
- Extended book review: Making Up the Gods: A Novel, by Marion Agnew
- Extended book review: Digital Liturgies: Rediscovering Christian Wisdom in an Online Age, by Samuel D. James
- Extended book review: The Gift of the Grotesque: A Christological Companion to the Book of Judges, by Daniel J.D. Stulac
- Q + A: Author D.S. Martin on poetic writing.
- Canadian Creatives: Painting by Kathy Hubley
- New media roundup: Pentecostal Prophets: Experience in Old Testament Perspective; Mental Health God's Way: A Guide to Healing; Happily Whenever After: A Hilarious, No-Holds-Barred Take on How to Thrive as a Single Woman; Grassroots Ecumenicism: The Way of Local Christian Reunion; and more.
Final word. Shari Russell, director of NAITTS: An Indigenous Learning Community and a member of the Seven Commitments Working Group at The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.