Podcast & Videos

Thoughtful, relevant conversations with Christian guests hosted by Faith Today senior editors Karen Stiller and Bill Fledderus.

22 September, 2015
Webinar Federal Election - Why and how to get involved Election campaigns can shape our country for years to come. Why should Christians be involved? How can we be involved? Get better equipped as a voter and church member to participate as effectively as possible within the clear boundaries of electoral rules in Canada. Featuring EFC President Bruce J. Clemenger and host Karen Stiller. 45:37
11 March, 2022
Podcast On the Ukraine border with World Vision's Michael Messenger

Michael Messenger, president of World Vision Canada, joins us from the Romanian/Ukraine border where World Vision is helping to welcome and meet the needs of hundreds of thousands of refugees forced to flee their country.

26 August, 2015
Webinar Changing Church - Aging members, rising immigration The Canadian Church is changing. What does it mean for leaders and those who attend regularly? What will our churches look like in 20 years with the current reality of aging members and rising rates of immigration? Featuring Rick Hiemstra, director of research for the EFC, an host Karen Stiller. 48:14
02 March, 2022
Podcast Toward accessible faith and flourishing, with Keith Dow Keith Dow is our guest and manager of organizational and spiritual life at Christian Horizons, an organization that works together with people who experience disabilities to accomplish their goals and nurture communities where everybody belongs. 35:23
18 February, 2022
Podcast Inside the writing and reading life of Randy Boyagoda With this podcast, we step into the warm writing and reading life of Randy Boyagoda, whose two recent novels contain faith, humour and fast moving plots.  31:05
03 February, 2022
Podcast The story behind the First Nations Bible Translation Terry Wildman, lead translator and general editor of the First Nations Version, shares the background of this unique translation, reads some favourite passages and shares his hopes for this gift to the Church. 18:46
20 January, 2022
Podcast How to speak to your kids about pornography

​​Do you worry about your kids and online pornography? It's a big issue for parents today. We have some help to offer you from Marilyn Evans, the founder of Parents Aware.

06 January, 2022
Podcast Funerals. Yes, funerals. In this special episode of the Faith Today podcast, EFC's resident theologian David Guretzki dialogues with Tim Perry, author of Funerals: for the Care of Souls, the book that inspired the cover story of the latest Faith Today. 32:42
17 December, 2021
Podcast Behind the Scenes and Christmas with the EFC Podcast Team ​​Join Faith Today podcast host Karen Stiller, tech producer Dave Auyeung, Rick Hiemstra and Lindsay Callaway, hosts of the new EFC podcast Faith Trends, as they go behind the scenes.  30:55
06 December, 2021
Podcast How to have weird conversations about vax status and navigate these strange social times

​​Christmas is coming and so are awkward conversations about vaccination status and who is going where when and what we're all going to talk about when we get there. Psychotherapist Sharon Ramsay offers practical tools for the coming days.

24 November, 2021
Podcast No Cure for Being Human and just being wonderful with Kate Bowler

In this interview, Kate takes us behind the scenes of her latest book, No Cure for Being Human, and also solves a lot of everything. Plus, laughter. Transcription disponible en français.

08 November, 2021
Podcast Habits that can help us grow ​​Do you feel sluggish in your spiritual life? Wonder if you're growing or stalled? Author and pastor Darryl Dash shares good news and good habits in this interview with Karen Stiller. His insights into identifying a "good church" is worth the listen alone.  28:46
21 October, 2021
Podcast How to be Christian and political...at the same time ​Religious people are not very popular when it comes to politics.
Our guest John Milloy is Assistant Professor of Public Ethics and the Director of the Centre for Public Ethics at Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario. He was a member of provincial parliament (MPP) in Ontario and worked on Parliament Hill as a political adviser to senior cabinet ministers, as well as five years on the senior staff of former prime minister Jean Chrétien.
30 September, 2021
Podcast Where the Light Fell: An Interview with Philip Yancey Philip Yancey is a popular and prolific author, whose honest and searching books over a long writing career have helped Christians grapple with questions like, where is God when it hurts, and come to terms with the reality of feeling disappointment with God. Now, he's released a memoir that takes us back to his fundamentalist upbringing and the pain, trauma and resiliency of his childhood. 30:56
17 September, 2021
Podcast The Joy of Multi-Cultural ​​We spoke with Tim Tang about being intentionally intercultural in church and how we can grow. If you only see yourself in your congregation, there is probably room to grow. ​Tim Tang is the director of the Tyndale Intercultural Ministries Centre at Tyndale University in Toronto. The TIM Centre provides intercultural resources for networking, training and research for the Church.  30:41
02 July, 2021
Podcast That Time We All Went Digital: An Interview with Joanna la Fleur ​Joanna la Fleur is a speaker, podcaster, TV host, and communications consultant. With a business communications degree and a Masters in Theological Studies, she has been helping the Church communicate the best news in the world for over 15 years.  33:38