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05 February, 2018
Podcast Unintended consequences: Dispatch from Brian Stiller

"One thousand Chinese pastors and church leaders met for Mission China 2030, a headline which tells of their goal: to release 20,000 people into missionary work by the year 2030."

01 May, 2018
Podcast Interacting with other world religions: Interview with Mathew P. John

Mathew P. John is the creator of an online course called Mosaic. He explains why it's important to understand other religions when we share our faith.1

21 February, 2018
Podcast Grace in Vietnam "In this country of mysterious contradictions, there is a groundswell of faith. It is not always pretty and petty conflicts abound. Yet they are offset by martyrdom and fearless faith." A dispatch by Brian Stiller, Global Ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance. 10:36
21 February, 2018
Podcast Remembering Billy Graham Fred Weiss, executive director of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association of Canada and Samaritan’s Purse Canada, reflects on the amazing legacy of the beloved evangelist. 9:06
13 February, 2018
Podcast One Church responds to the Canada Summer Job Grant controversy Pastor Bob Davies from Kanata Baptist Church shares his church's response to the Canada Summer Jobs situation. 15:17
27 February, 2018
Podcast Youth ministry in Canada today (Interview with Sid Koop) Sid Koop, executive director of Truth Matters Ministries and the Canadian Youth Workers Conference Movement, discusses the state of youth in Canada today. 20:36
05 March, 2018
Podcast It's good to take a break from tech From the column "Dead to Distraction" (Jan/Feb 2018) by Carolyn Arends 5:41
14 March, 2018
Podcast Canada Summer Jobs grant controversy: Calvary Temple, How a maritime church is pushing back How a maritime church is pushing back. Interview with Calvary Temple lead pastor Chad Nickerson. 12:39
07 March, 2018
Podcast How the Toronto City Mission is persevering in the Canada Summer Jobs grant situation Dave Addison, executive director of Toronto City Mission, discusses how the Canada Summer Jobs grant situation has impacted their ministry, and what they will do next. 17:00
08 March, 2018
Podcast How we order our hearts Our columnist Carolyn Arends discusses the the trouble with do-it-yourself transformation. 5:10
26 March, 2018
Podcast Science and faith in Canada An interview with Janet Warren, president of the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation 14:49
21 March, 2018
Podcast How to create a great food ministry (panel discussion) How can churches do food ministry well? We speak with experts on this topic, featured in "The Healing Plate," the Mar/Apr 2018 cover story in Faith Today magazine. 41:18
29 March, 2018
Podcast Brazil - A new force in mission Dispatch from Brian Stiller: Brazil is huge. A population of two hundred million live in a land mass slightly smaller than the United States or China... 9:05
09 April, 2018
Podcast Politics and faith: An interview with Preston Manning We interviewed Preston Manning, founder of two political parties, former Leader of the Opposition, and current leader of the Manning Centre. He spoke to us about politics and faith. 22:02
12 April, 2018
Podcast Sexual ethics with Aimee Patterson Aimee Patterson PhD is a Christian ethics consultant with The Salvation Army Ethics Centre in Winnipeg. She spoke to Faith Today about sexual ethics in the Church, what pastors need to watch for and the #metoo campaign. 22:47
02 April, 2018
Podcast Don't turn from suffering Doug Koop is a spiritual health practitioner at a major trauma and tertiary care hospital in Winnipeg. He shares what we learn as we walk with people in distress. 12:01