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28 February, 2018
The healing plate

Food is central in scripture, community and restoration

08 February, 2018
The FT Interview with Aimee Patterson

AIMEE PATTERSON PhD is a Christian ethics consultant with The Salvation Army Ethics Centre in Winnipeg. She spoke to Faith Today about sexual ethics in the Church, what pastors need to watch for and the #metoo campaign.

01 February, 2018
Let the sermon be interrupted

The church, first nations and reconciliation

17 January, 2018
Vivre selon les Écritures quand la société est contre l'autorité

Que faisons-nous quand la plupart des gens, y compris beaucoup d'évangéliques, font confiance à leur propre cœur avant tout ?

14 January, 2018
Would our neighbourhoods notice if we left?

The Flourishing Congregations Institute probes what is working in Canadian congregations

08 January, 2018
Still reaching for reconciliation

A Recent EFC-sponsored Gathering Of Denominational Representatives Provokes Reflection On Indigenous Relations

01 January, 2018
Journey of reconciliation

We Can Be Better Together. What Are The First Steps?

16 November, 2017
The FT Interview with Lorna Dueck

Lorna Dueck is CEO of Crossroads Christian Communications Inc., home of the popular daytime TV show 100 Huntley Street. She’s also CEO of the YES TV network, and a frequent contributor on faith and public life in The ...

08 November, 2017
Farmer field school in Rwanda

Canadian Foodgrains Bank works in 40 countries around the world. Our writer went to one of them to see the work firsthand.

31 October, 2017
Modern devices and ancient disciplines

Is distracting technology damaging our capacity for concentration and contemplation?

15 September, 2017
The FT Interview with Shaila Visser

SHAILA VISSER is the national director of Alpha Canada, which produces videos for interactive small groups that deal with questions of love, purpose and faith. It’s an experience overwhelmingly embraced by Canadian ch...

08 September, 2017
Stability is the key

Helping Children After A Divorce

31 August, 2017
Welcoming refugees in Uganda

Faith Today visited Uganda with Samaritan’s Purse to see the world’s worst refugee crisis — and how Uganda and partners are responding