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What’s an Evangelical to think when 200 world religions meet in Toronto?
And what we can do about it
Et ce que nous pouvons faire à ce sujet
Conseils bibliques pour les assemblées d'immigrants et autres
Successes and challenges of 2018 and beyond
Darryl Dash is a Toronto-based church planter and author of How to Grow: Applying the Gospel to All of Your Life (Moody, 2018). He spoke to Faith Today about the habits that form us and the power of the ordinary.
Valuing families with disabilities in the Church
Canadian research looks at how to help youth keep the faith after high school
David Martin is executive minister for the Mennonite Church Eastern Canada. Martin’s work takes him deeply into the topic of sexual misconduct within the Church, and he teaches and writes about it. This difficult work...
Sharon Ramsay spoke with Faith Today about how we can all care for ourselves, and particularly spiritual leaders.
When I was a young student at Bible college, I was told if I did the right things, my church would grow. I bought into that idea completely.
Three practices that help us feel loved and whole.
Deathbed doubts among the devout
Une écrivaine principale de Faith Today partage sa propre expérience des soins à prodiguer à un être cher mourant, et comment le Canada pourrait faire mieux en matière de soins palliatifs