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11 July, 2018
The beautiful gift of small churches

When I was a young student at Bible college, I was told if I did the right things, my church would grow. I bought into that idea completely.

04 July, 2018
Survival habits of the soul

Three practices that help us feel loved and whole.

26 June, 2018
Diehard believers

Deathbed doubts among the devout

01 May, 2018
Les joies et les peines des soins palliatifs

Une écrivaine principale de Faith Today partage sa propre expérience des soins à prodiguer à un être cher mourant, et comment le Canada pourrait faire mieux en matière de soins palliatifs

01 May, 2018
The joy and sorrow of palliative care

A Faith Today senior writer shares her own experience caring for a dying loved one, and how canada can do better with palliative care

30 April, 2018
Into the heart of crisis pregnancy centres in Canada

A Faith Today writer visits a centre in Winnipeg to find out what makes them tick

30 April, 2018
The FT Interview: With Marv Penner

Faith Today caught up with Penner as he waited for a flight to China where he was going to train youth workers in the unofficial Church. He spoke to us about what churches need to do today to build relationships with ...

13 March, 2018
Your theology is changing - is that okay?

The difference between maturing and copping out

09 March, 2018
Three understandings of state neutrality

Why not force doctors, schools and charities to operate under current social values?

09 March, 2018
Trois conceptions de la neutralité de l'État

Pourquoi ne pas forcer les médecins, les écoles et les organismes de bienfaisance à fonctionner selon les valeurs sociales actuelles ?

28 February, 2018
The healing plate

Food is central in scripture, community and restoration

08 February, 2018
The FT Interview with Aimee Patterson

AIMEE PATTERSON PhD is a Christian ethics consultant with The Salvation Army Ethics Centre in Winnipeg. She spoke to Faith Today about sexual ethics in the Church, what pastors need to watch for and the #metoo campaign.

01 February, 2018
Let the sermon be interrupted

The church, first nations and reconciliation

17 January, 2018
Vivre selon les Écritures quand la société est contre l'autorité

Que faisons-nous quand la plupart des gens, y compris beaucoup d'évangéliques, font confiance à leur propre cœur avant tout ?