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Graduate school continues to break new ground
Our writer attended the UN conference in Scotland and shares his reflections
Pourquoi nos églises doivent inclure les lamentations
How saying goodbye has changed and why it matters. An essay by Tim Perry
La façon de dire au revoir a changé et pourquoi c'est important. Un essai de Tim Perry
Reflections from Faith Today writers about funerals they have attended
Tips on making the most of seasonal outreach opportunities
What does our faith have to say about the grief we feel when our animal companions die?
Quelques idées fondées sur la recherche à prendre en considération
Six key ingredients to strengthen community among people of all ages
Religion’s failures are pushing some Evangelicals to change — but into what?
Les échecs de la religion poussent certains évangéliques à changer — mais vers quoi?
Canadian Christian organizations urge action for the world’s poor
Les organisations chrétiennes canadiennes appellent à l'action pour les pauvres du monde entier
From culture wars to positive engagement