Magazines 2019 May - Jun Award-winning journalism that serves the Church

Award-winning journalism that serves the Church

17 June 2019

Why it's important that our articles keep winning awards.

[Original post from May 4 has been updated with results from June 14 Word Awards.]

Several articles published in Faith Today during 2018 have recently won awards from the Canadian Church Press and from The Word Guild.

"That's nice," you might say, "but what difference does that make to me?"

We believe it does make a difference. Let us tell you why.

But first give us a moment to tell you what. Join us in celebrating special recognition given by professional judges to the following publications.

So, why should readers care that this recognition was awarded to the writers, photographers, editors and designers at Faith Today? Maybe some of our social media friends will click "like" and tomorrow it will be forgotten, right?

We believe these awards can remind us to think about excellence in a variety of ways. We'd like our paying subscribers and advertisers to feel they are getting excellent value. We'd like our readers to feel Faith Today continues to offer excellent articles that help connect, equip and inform the broader Canadian Church.

Most importantly we want to serve God with our best effort – "let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds" (Hebrews 10:24), to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength" (Deuteronomy 6:5).

None of us, magazine contributors and Christian believers of all kinds, should be complacent because of some past ministry success. We are called to keep striving and learning from our mistakes and pausing to celebrate good fruit.

That's not to say that we're trying to earn God's approval. Instead we are trying to cooperate with what God is doing. Together we thank God for using us. May Faith Today continue to tell the stories of what God is doing through His people in Canada, and tell them lovingly, as the verses above remind us, and tell them with excellence.Fazal Karim and Bill Fledderus

If feedback from contest judges and feedback from readers can help us toward those goals, we can only be grateful.

Photos: Above top shows senior editor Bill Fledderus receiving one of Faith Today's awards from Sue Newbery, executive assistant of the Canadian Church Press, at a Winnipeg ceremony held May 1, 2019. Photo by Angela Reitsma Bick.
Middle right photo shows Fledderus with Paul Boge, winner of the Debra Fieguth Award for writing on social justice, named after a former Faith Today senior writer, at the Word Awards 2019 in Hamilton, Ont. This year the award was sponsored by Faith Today. Photo by Rebecca O'Hara
Bottom right photo shows Fledderus with Fazal Karim of the Christian Heraldsponsor of the long feature category at the Word Awards 2019. This award was won by Alex Newman, a Faith Today senior writer who was not able to attend the June 14 ceremony. Photo by Rebecca O'Hara

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