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We first began to hear about the troubles facing Gospel for Asia through our readers. We received several letters from Faith Today subscribers concerned that we were running advertisements from a charity facing ser...
“Are American and Canadian Evangelicals really that different?” caught the attention of my friends.
Rebuilding after tragedy has not been an easy journey for the country of Nepal.
Rod Wilson wrote our Mar/Apr cover story on the meaning of money. He challenged us to reconsider the role of money in our lives.
Prayer is tough when taken seriously. Praying doesn’t come easily. I can preach, organize, write, exhort, study, and create fairly easily, but praying is a discipline. For most, prayer is not our first choice—getting ...
Today, I rushed home from work and called my Member of Parliament. It wasn’t nearly as difficult or stressful as I feared. To be honest, I don’t even know why I thought it would be. What was I so worried about?
As someone who has helped with the hands-on resettlement of close to 4,000 refugees in Canada in the past 28 years, in many ways, I am thrilled by the recent wave of enthusiasm, interest and compassion shown by Canadi...
“Then + Now” is a feature in the Mar/Apr Faith Today that shares the experience of Charles Foster and Marc Pilon, highlighting the unique challenges of evangelizing in Canada’s belle province. We asked Rob Foster, Cha...
When word came of a meeting between Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis in Cuba, a headline in the National Post wondered whether the event might hail the “End of the 1,000-year schism?” Accompanying ph...
“I’ve been in urban ministry for over twenty years.”
In January we invited churches from across the country to submit the names of their pastors for a contest, offered in partnership with spiritual retreat centres from coast to coast. We wanted to invite churches to sho...
Check out the latest issue of Faith Today! The Money Issue will challenge how you think about (and spend) your money. We’re calling our latest issue “The Money Issue.” Our Mar/Apr 2016 cover story explores our relat...
As we read through the March/April issue of Faith Today one final time before sending it to our printer, authenticity was a theme that jumped out at us. People here are not interested in pretending it’s easy to be a C...
Today I downloaded iTranslate, located the Arabic option, bought three for $20 bouquets at FoodLand, and my husband and I headed to the new home of the Syrian family who arrived in our town on Saturday.
The Wycliffe Canada community is grieving with the families who have lost so much in Calgary last weekend.